Country as Teacher

Country as Teacher

Our school curriculum and pedagogies place a strong emphasis on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of knowing, doing and being. As we are led by our local Aboriginal leaders, we embrace Country as our Teacher while children and teachers cultivate their own practice of Relating with Country.

Our children explore the special connection to Country held by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and celebrate the unique belief systems that connect people physically, relationally and spiritually to Country.

Students gain a deeper understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ histories, cultures and ways of being, knowing, thinking and doing.

During our weekly time on Country, children are encouraged to find a quiet place to sit, look, listen, learn, love and share their wonderings and reflections as they build on their knowledge of self and Country. Through cultivating a respectful practice of reciprocal relationship with Country we build our gratitude and understanding about how to care for the places we live. The children develop a deep respect and love for it. These are relationships of care, respect and obligation. These Country as Teacher pedagogies are also a way to build children’s wellbeing and agency for a healthy and sustainable future.